A few pictures I took of Aidyn playing on the back steps...
I LOVE that sweet face!
est. March 10, 2007
A few pictures I took of Aidyn playing on the back steps...
I LOVE that sweet face!
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Aidyn playing outside in his wagon...pretending to use the shovel as a spoon and eat from the bucket. He's so silly sometimes.
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 11:04 AM 0 comments
I bought Aidyn a golf set at Walmart in April, and he isn't too bad. Rather than putting the balls though, he beats them. So, sometimes he'll get the edge of the ball "just right" and it'll fly across the yard...which he thinks is halarious!
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:55 AM 1 comments
I remember when Aidyn was born, my dad made the comment..."You guys somehow got lucky and converted him to your schedule and loving to sleep." And, he's right. Aidyn (unlike some kids I know) LOVES to nap and go to bed at night. I think something that has helped us is the fact that we try to keep all pacis and his blanket in his bed.
When I bring him down in the mornings, I'll pick him up out of the bed and say, "Throw your blanket in the bed." And he does. Then I'll repeat the same with his paci and he'll throw it in his crib as well and laugh. By keeping his pacis and blanket in the bed, it makes naps and bedtime more "inviting" because he can't wait to get to them. :)
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Aidyn and I took a trip to the Linear Trail on day and I was able to get a few pictures of him enjoying the walk. He loves to check out all the other walkers and those on their bikes. There are also several places where he can see geese or ducks on the water.
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:41 AM 0 comments
My parents found some onesies at Khols (I think) for Aidyn. One of them said, "I'm no cry baby." But...they also found one that Ben should borrow sometime (if only it came in adult size). It says... "I don't like to play, I like to WIN." I couldn't get Aidyn to sit still for a picture, so I had to give him the remote to play with. Ofcourse, then I couldn't see his shirt. So, after taking the remote away, here's the reaction I got, haha. Oh well.
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Last year, our PE teacher at school asked if I'd be interested in a wagon that someone brought in. Ofcourse I was!
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:31 AM 0 comments
One evening when we were all upstairs, we heard Aidyn making some noise in his bathroom. After checking on him, here's what we found...
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:24 AM 1 comments
During basketball season, and even some now, we decided that Mom would come over every Tuesday for dinner and to hang out since Ben was gone. Once the weather started warming up, all Aidyn wanted to do was play outside. Here are a few pics of him bundled up 0n a late afternoon in March.
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:10 AM 0 comments
I don't remember where Aidyn got this kazoo, but he's great at playing it.
Posted by Ben and Whitney Evely at 10:07 AM 0 comments