Saturday, November 22, 2008

Evely Work Day

Today was a very productive day at the Evely household. Ben gave his guys (basketball) the day off, and my parents came over for a "work day". The original plan was for my mom and I to plant flower bulbs and my dad was going to help Ben get some things done around the house that we still haven't finished. Well, since it was like 20 degrees and snow still in my yard, we didn't quite make it to planting bulbs. I have a variety of almost 200 bulbs, if not more, to get planted before it's too late. It may be too late. :(
We did, however, get A LOT done! We were able to fix a leaking toilet, put winter weather stripping around all of our doors (no more heat escaping), screw in the dishwasher so it doesn't lean out of the cabinet when opened, hang my chalkboard in the kitchen, hang a coat rack in the laundry room as you come in the back door, and what I call a "message board" also by the back door. AND, my mom was able to get the first coat of paint done in the baby's room.
Evidently several people have asked that I put a pregnant picture or two on here, so we were going to today before my mom left. Unfortunately, we both fell asleep on the couch while my dad watched football. (Ben had left for a basketball game). I'll try to get some pictures posted soon.