Every time Aidyn's in the bathtub, he wants to play with the shower "pull"...I don't know what else to call it. The little piece on the spout that you pull up to turn the shower on. Now, the water is never running when he likes to pull it up and down, up and down, and so on. But, since he enjoys doing that, he's also managed to bump his head on the spout several times when he's gone to stand up next to it (or under it).
Our only problem now...the plug (that you use to blow up the cover, like on a beach ball) won't push down into the cover. So...now he keeps trying to stand on his tip-toes so he can reach the plug and put it in his mouth. Ahhh!
*BTW...can you tell that I totally love my new camera that Ben bought me for Christmas? Sorry for the huge amount of pictures...but I just can't resist. I LOVE it! Thanks, Ben!!!!
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