Friday, January 2, 2009

36 week Appointment

After a busy day of cleaning lastnight, Ben and I laid down to watch the movie "Hancock". It was pretty good I guess. And off to bed we went, at like 1am. Staying up and then sleeping in yesterday kinda through us off lastnight.

Today we had my 36 week appointment with the doctor. We went by the hospital first and took a tour of the women's center and labor/delivery area so we would know where to go and where we'd be when the big day comes. The children's hospital/women's center is under construction right now, so it looks like a mess unless you know where you're going.

We were pleased with the hospital, and the nurse that gave us the tour was super nice and helpful. My favorite part is the security bands they put on the baby and parents. I think most hospitals are doing this these days. But, when Aidyn is born they'll put two bands on him (one on his leg and the other on his wrist). They will also put matching bands on my wrist and one on Ben. They have alarms by each labor/delivery exit and so when anyone gets within about 6ft of the exits, the security band (on Aidyn only) automatically locks the doors and sets off an alarm. This is to keep anyone from trying to "take" someone else's baby. That's a scary thought, but its definately a great precaution to take.

After the hospital we grabbed some lunch and headed to the dr. Usually we wait forever before going back, but not today. I think since it was the day after New Years, most people were off. There weren't hardly any cars (doctors or paitents) in the parking lot. Luckily we were in and out within an hour.

I finally gained 2 more lbs after hanging steady for a little over a month. So I've officially gained 18 lbs total. I meant to ask how big she thought Aidyn was and forgot. After the exam they did, I wasn't thinking about much, ha. Apparently when they say they are going to examine you, they aren't kidding. But, to "protect" you from too many personal and gross details, I'll just say that I have dilated 1cm and according to the dr, Aidyn HAS turned. He is no longer breech, thank goodness. She said she could feel his head, and I'm sure she could. :)

So, there's our update for now - 1cm and in the correct position. We have one last shower here at the house tomorrow and Aidyn's room is ready... so I guess we're all just waiting on him now. And I'm on my way to meet my brother and his girlfriend at the movie theater (Ben is at a basketball game). My brother and I both read the book Marly and Me, and we decided we would go together to see it. Aww! :) Hopefully he doesn't cry as much as I'm sure I will, ha. I can't wait!