Thursday, January 15, 2009

38 Week Appointment

Ben and I went yesterday for my 38wk appointment. My appointment was at 3:15 and we got there a little early (about 2:50). They always take you straight back to check blood pressure, weight, and all that good stuff, but then you're sent right back out to the lobby area. After "holding steady" for so long, I can't believe I gained more weight. I'm not disappointed, it just seems weird that I hadn't gained in over a month and now that I'm on weekly visits it starts going back up. Usually you gain up until your last month and then things settle down, I thought. Go figure. Since last Wednesday I've gained 3 more pounds - so now I'm up to 141. Ben says that's probably a good thing since Aidyn is supposed to be growing about half a pound a wk now anyways. I tried telling myself it's partly because we had just come from a wonderful lunch at Jason's Deli (yum!) and I had a HUGE baked potato with broccoli and an ice cream cone.

At school a bunch of us always ordered out lunch on Fridays and several times we ordered from Jason's Deli. It's new to our area but REALLY good and always busy. We met one of my friends, Jennifer, there yesterday for lunch before the doctor. I was anticipating a huge mob of people because of the lunch crowd... and it was extremely busy - but the place is HUGE inside! I had never actually been to the place to eat. And the best part... they have FREE, yes I said FREE ice cream for customers that eat there. As much as you want! I started to get a 2nd cone for the road, ha, but Ben gave me this funny look and since I was headed to the dr I decided not to. Probably a good idea. :)

But anyways, Ben started getting annoyed because we got to the dr at 2:50 and at 3:40 they still hadn't called us back. I told him we got there almost 30 min early and that if we weren't called back by 3:50 then I would go ask. Luckily, we were. He absolutely hates waiting, and I do to, but I guess I try to look at it this way - things happen throughout the day and as the day progresses, you know they are going to slowly become more and more behind schedule. Oh well.

The dr didn't do any sort of examination since I've had one the last 2 weeks and nothing has changed. So I may still be 1cm, we don't really know. At first I was kinda disappointed, but I guess I'd rather not know then really be disappointed by being told it was still the same. She said my weight looks great and everything seems good to go, we're just waiting on Aidyn. She went over when to go to the hospital and that sort of thing: contractions 5 min apart for an hour. She said at this point it could be any day. I asked her about inducing and she said they usually don't discuss that until your 39wk appointment (which would be next wk for me). She said none of the doctors in my group let patients go past 41 weeks, but that they really try to wait and let things happen on their own. With inductions, evidently more moms end up having to have c-sections. Not because it harms the baby, but because nothing happens. She said if your body isn't ready to go on its own, the induction helps, but sometimes thing just don't progress like they would naturally and with it taking longer - mom becomes exhausted and once the water breaks they only give 24 hrs anyways.

I know I probably don't want a c-section, but I really don't want to wait an extra wk either, ha. So... I'm sorry I don't have any "exciting" news to share, but that's the latest. 2 weeks from our due date and still just waiting on Aidyn to decide he's ready. I'll keep you posted if we find out more before next Friday, that's our next appointment.

I'm supposed to go "weekly" and last time the receptionist tried scheduling an appt past a wk and one of the other girls said she couldn't do that. She said if there isn't anything the exact next week, then the appt needs to be scheduled earlier. I started to say something yesterday since next Friday would be a wk and 2 days, but I didn't. I figure that's exactly 1 wk till our due date, so hopefully if nothing happens by then we'll have a few extra days before going back to the dr. Keep your fingers crossed!


Sarah said...

Another thing to think about regarding induction - I've heard a lot of women say that contractions on Pitocin (the synthetic hormone that makes you go into labor) are REALLY painful. They are usually manageable with an epidural or IV pain medicine, but that they are supposedly worse than normal contractions. I'm not really sure why, but I've just heard and read that a lot. There are some other things they can do to help you go into labor on your own though, like scraping your membranes. Some people also use herbal supplements like evening primrose oil that supposedly helps your cervix soften and dilate quicker. Just some things to think about.
Glad to hear that things are still going well!