Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pink Eye

Apparently, we've been passing around pink eye at the babysitter's. Luckily, Aidyn's eye pretty much healed after one dr visit and a day's worth of drops.

His eye began looking red and had green "goop" coming out one evening. He wasn't rubbing it or acting like it was bothering him. Unfortunately (or maybe luckily, before it got worse), it didn't look good at all the next morning. Ben took him to the dr and they gave him eye drops. We had to do the drops 4 times a day for a week.

Like I said, after just one day of drops...his eye looked remarkedly better!

The sad knews is, however, that a few days later Ben decided he was getting it too. Great. So, now Aidyn and Ben were on eye drops. And even worse...somehow Ben's dad managed to catch the pink eye over Christmas. He's had the worse time with it. We gave him what was left of the eye drops and have called in our refill to pick up the at pharmacy tomorrow. Aidyn finished up his week's worth of drops a few days ago...but we thought we better get our refill "just in case".

Luckily, I haven't. And I hope I don't. I've had enough "sickness" going on, which will be a post of it's own later on.