My baby boy is quickly growing up, right before our eyes!Aidyn has been "walking" for about 3 weeks now, but has just recently within that past week or two began walking good. He now can walk where ever he wants to go, stop, turn around, and go back the other way without falling.
**We do have a video camera that we got for Christmas last year. It's awesome. I've used it a little lately since my other camera isn't working. We just haven't quite figured out how to download the pictures and videos to the comptuer. :( I've tried several times and gave up.
So, I'm sad. Buuut...on a brighter now, due to Aidyn's "destructiveness", I was able to unwrap my Christmas present early! Ben bought me the "fancy sm-ancy" Nikon. I'm not exactly sure which model it is, but it's the one equivalent to the Canon Rebel...and I LOVE it!
I've "only" (hahahahaha) taken like 500 photos since I opened it on Dec.22nd. Ofcourse, Ben's taken probably half of those. :)
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