Friday, October 16, 2009


In my post about our weekend getaway to Gatlinburg, I mentioned Aidyn having an allergic reaction to the medicine, Amox-clav, that the dr prescribed him on Friday. Well...apparently, that wasn't it.

Wednesday, after Aidyn's bath (due to his messy "painting"), he was broke out again! When I undressed him and put him in the rash. I put no soap in the bath this time, just warm water to rinse him off and let him play.

When I took him out, his lower back down to his feet were covered.

Right thigh...

Underside of left leg...

Right thigh again...

Feet and ankles...

I totally freaked out and called the dr! I explained/described the rash and said I needed to bring him in as soon as possible. This was at like 9:00am. The receptionist said the first available appt was at 3:00pm. What?!?! There was no way he was going to last 6 hours with a rash appearing and spreading this quickly. I said ok and assumed I'd end up taking him to their walk-in clinic downstairs.

I gave him 1/2 teaspoon of Children's Zyrtec (for allergies, just incase)...and would you know that within 30 minutes it was totally gone! Nothing. No sign or indication that anything had happened. I couldn't believe my eyes!

No new foods (in Gatlinburg or at home). No new clothes. No new detergents. It's so weird! I waited until 12noon and called back. I explained the situation and asked if I should come on in at 3pm, let the dr look at him, and show him the pictures, or cancel and keep an eye on him. Ofcourse, the nurse canceled the appt. I mean, what would the dr look at? Nothing was there.

What's that it's happened twice now, in 2 totally different locations. I could possibly "pin-point" a possible cause in one place or the other, but not one that would be applicable to both. Strange.

Luckily, it hasn't happened again. Poor kid. I'm afraid he is definately just going to have major skin issues...but maybe he'll outgrow them all now while he's young. I sure hope so.


Becky said...

I know this may sound weird...but is there something in the water that could be doing it? I know someone who is allergic to tap water. She has to take 5-10 minute showers or she breaks out. There's something that's put in the water that just doesn't agree with her skin.

Meg said...

That's so strange! This is not the same thing, but I got sun poisoning once and they sent me to an allergist and everything gave me hives (looking exactly like what's on Aidyn's legs). Nothing worked to get rid of it, so the doctor put me on Zantac - the heart burn medicine. I know it sounds weird, but it totally worked. I was on that for a few months and (knock on wood) I've never had another break out. Maybe it's something like that? Just a weird reaction and his body will eventually learn to fight it?? I don't know but I hope he gets better soon! Poor Aidyn!!

Angela said...

Angela (foust) Richards here. I am a friend of the Evely family from YEARS ago! (Toma nd Debbie Foust oldest daughter!) I found your blog via my sister and I have no idea how she found it - lol. I had to reply though! BOTH my kiddies have had MAJOR skin issues, but I wanted to give you hope. Abigail is now 6 and totally outgrown everything and Jacob now 3 has nearly outgrown everything!
When they are so little everything seems so dramatic but they do grow and change and so does their skin :)
Email if you want more info! and yes I have seen those very hives you took ppicutes of several times and yes they go away as quick as they come.