Monday, June 15, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Last week was our church's VBS for this summer. Every year it seems like everyone dreads doing VBS (that's terrible, I know)...but it always goes smoothly and is a great outreach to members of our community.

The first year or two I was a "group leader". This meant that I was responsible for a group of kids that I walked to each station throughout the night. Not hard. But the next year I volunteered to be incharge of decorations and publicity. Publicity is easy! I put our VBS in the local papers' church sections, on radio websites for community calendars, put up signs/posters near the church, and we take our youth door to door in nearby neighborhoods to "get the word out". All the work is BEFORE and so I don't have a particular job the week of. The same goes with decorations. We got everything together ahead of time, set a "work day" for everyone to help get the church looking like a swamp (this year's theme), and then you get help afterwards. job during the week of. I have found this makes me a lot less stressed or worried and allows me to "roam" during VBS and help where needed - games, crafts, etc.

Unfortunately, due to alllllllll the rain we've had lately, our church softball team played EVERY NIGHT during VBS. This meant we were short about 7-10 guys that would have been there to help. So...I also did games this year. Games are a lot of fun and the kids really enjoy it. On the last night this year, we made Homemade Silly Putty (or Goo). They loved it and I let them all take it home that night. I'm sure the parents were thrilled, haha.

VBS was a success! For a "small" church with a congregation of about 70 on Sunday mornings, and only 6-10 kids ages 4-10 in our church, we averaged 30-40 children each night and about 20 adult workers.

My mother-in-law was the director this year (and in the past). After this year, she said she is not doing it anymore. It stresses her out sooooo much. I try telling her it will go great and be successful, but she still worries. year she wants to be Aidyn's VBS teacher, haha. Ben and I have decided we'll be the directors and have already been brainstorming some ideas.