Thursday, June 18, 2009

A year already?

When Aidyn goes to bed at night, he usually eats his bottle and I lay him down. Not tonight. I let him fuss, not cry, for a while before picking him up, holding him, and rocking. I really don't want to create a "habit" out of this...but on nights like tonight, or at 4am in the morning when he wants to eat...I try to remind myself that there WILL eventually be days that I'll look back and miss these moments. Right? I will miss being up at 4am? (hahaha) That's what I've been told anyways. :) I know I will. I just don't feel that way at 4am. :)

But as I was rocking him tonight, realizing that Ben is away at basketball camp, it hit's been one year since we found out I was pregnant. Now, most people took pictures of the "glorious" moment that the ept stick showed positive or pregnant. I have NO IDEA what I did with ours. Honestly. Since I didn't save it, and have no picture of it, I must have thrown it away. Hm....not really sure where it went.

Since we were on birth control and NOT planning on having a baby anytime soon, this was a HUGE shocker. Neither of us were happy...but if only we'd known what a wonderful blessing was soon on his way. :)

A year ago today (or actually this Thursday...not sure of the real date), I took an at-home prego test that came back positive. Freaking out, I called the dr and scheduled an appointment for blood work the next day. I was teaching summer school, but would be missing the next week to take our youth group to Myrtle Beach, SC for the week. So, after my last class on Friday (tomorrow), I went to the dr where they confirmed that I was prego.

*If you missed it a few paragraphs back...Ben was 4 hours away at basketball camp. He had been gone for a day or two and I would not see him until he made it down to the beach to meet our youth group about 8 hours after we arrived. I had text messaged him the previous day when the stick read positive. I won't share with you the exact words I sent him, ha. I am definately ashamed now, but I was too caught up in the moment at the time. I'll let you just imagine.

I left there, went straight to my OB/GYN office and changed my next Depro-vera shot appointment to a VERY soon OB appointment. After they confirmed "the good news" (I was ready to cry, hahaha)...I went home and went to sleep. I had a dr's appointment in July and my dr estimated that I was 8wks prego. She scheduled an ultrasound for August 5th (I think). We were expecting to see a little bean...

Boy, were we in for a shocker. Instead we saw...

Apparently, I was 16 weeks (4 months) pregnant. Due to the shot, I had no idea. I guess I was VERY lucky to totally miss the first trimester, morning sickness, etc. This also made for a VERY QUICK pregnancy since I didn't even find out until it was almost half over. Ha...go figure.
You can read the "full story" if you go back to the beginning of my blog. But, I just wanted to share our anniversary of our wonderful, precious, and perfect miracle with you...just wished we would've felt that way when we found out. ;) (hahaha) We love you, Aidyn!


Meg said...

WOW! What a story! I'm glad everything went well (obviously!) and that's great you got to miss the whole first trimester! Lucky duck! :)