Friday, July 24, 2009

6 Month Check-Up

Aidyn went yesterday, 3 days early, for his 6 month check-up.

2 weeks ago, I found a knot on the back of Aidyn's head, behind his left ear. Then, early last week, we found 3 more. A second next to the first, and two additional knots behind his right ear. Freaking out, I called and moved his appointment up a week to this Thursday. The nurses said the knots sounded like lymph nodes. After schedulng his appointment, I posted on Facebook for prayers about the knots. By the end of the day, many people had posted comments in response about their child(ren) having the same thing and it being lymph nodes. The dr agreed and said everything seemed fine.

Aidyn's check up went well. Dr.Taylor said everything looked well...except for his dry skin. We left with a "strong" prescription of cream to put on his dry skin spots twice a day. The dr said if he isn't improving or looking better by Monday, we need to come back for a re-evaluation.

I asked about cutting back Aidyn's Prevacid (reflux) to once a day instead of twice. He said sure. So, I think we'll finish out August and then try going down to once a day and see how Aidyn does. When he was born, we were told he "should" outgrow the reflux by 6-7 months. But as we all know, not every baby does as they "should".

Aidyn will also continue eating every 3 hours. Most books say that by 6-7 months, babies should be eating every 4 hours, about 4 times a day. Sometimes Aidyn does good to make it to the 3hr mark, and then other days (like today) he won't eat for 4 or 5 hrs. Even though we try our hardest staying on a 3 hr schedule, Aidyn has good days and bad. He should've eaten at 11:15am this afternoon. At 11:30am, when he woke up from his nap...he wouldn't eat. We continued trying until 12pm and then put the bottle in the fridge. After I showered, I tried feeding him again. It's now 2:00pm and he's only eaten 3 oz since 11:30am and some peas. He's now taking another nap. Hopefully when he wakes up this time, he'll eat. Some days he'll eat around 28oz total, plus his cereal and/or veggies. Then, on days like today, it seems we'll be good to make it to 20oz. We'll see.

Here are Aidyn's 6month stats:
Weight - 17lbs 1oz (50th percentile)
Height - 26.25 in (50th percentile)
Head - 43.7 cm (50th percentile)

So...Dr.Taylor said, "Well, looks like he's found his "curve." For Aidyn's past 2 appointments, he's fallen on the 50th percentile mark for EVERYTHING. So as of right now, it seems as though he's going to be average height and weight. The dr said he seems to be doing very well and everything seems right on target...except for his dry skin. I hope it's cleared up by Monday or we'll be going back, again.