Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to the Dr

Usually, examination tables aren't worthy of having their picture taken. I actually haven't ever taken Aidyn's picture at the doctor...until today. Check out the AWESOME table he got to play on today!!!

Aren't you jealous? I know I am! Why didn't my dr ever have anything so cool?!?
Aidyn's follow-up went OK today. Even though he hasn't been eating well, he has not lost any weight, so that's good. Dr.Taylor said his skin IS beginning to look better. Ben and I didn't really think it was, which is why I took him back today. The dr said if his skin isn't MUCH better (like basically back to normal looking) within a week, we have to call back and get a referral to see a dermatologist. Great...that's what I want to be scheduling on our first week back to school. I pray it gets better.
The dr said to continue putting a good layer of the medicated ointment on his dry spots twice a day and the thick baby cream (like lotion, but thicker) on as many times a day as possible. I think a good rule of thumb will be just to reapply each time his diaper is changed. Looks like we better stock up on baby cream.
I also explained how Aidyn has not been eating. He'll act hungry, grab the bottle, drink like crazy for a few seconds, and then turn his head and cry. The dr checked his throat and said he has 2 sore spots. It isn't strep, "just a sore throat". After asking all of my questions/concerns I had written down, and Aidyn's becoming more and more irritable since it was nap time, I didn't even think to ask why or how the spots would have appeared. So...your guess is as good as mine.
He hasn't had a fever, rash, or anything else, so hopefully we're headed downhill from all of these issues. His throat "should" be better within the next few days and Aidyn "should" be back to eating. I sure hope so! I'm SO TIRED of going to the dr.
We've actually been so much that today, Gloria (the lactation specialist in the office) said, "Hey Whitney! Gosh...what's going on? You guys have been in here waaay too much lately!" I wanted to say, "No kidding!"


Meg said...

That table is awesome!! I am jealous!

Glad things are looking up. I'll say some prayers that his throat and skin get better ASAP.

Good luck!

Whitney said...

That table is so cool!

Anonymous said...

Whitney -

Prayers, prayers, prayers . . .
for baby and mommy.

Trust in Him for Aidyn's healing
AND then relax enough to think of common sense things that might have caused such a reaction (because it sounds allergy like), but I'm just a Mommy of 3 and Nana of 2. He is of the age to be putting something in his mouth that he is allergic to that you don't know about . . .and then it is working itself outward onto his skin (which is the largest organ of the body - even little bodies.)

Love you, nora haynes (thinks your baby boy is adorable) !