Aidyn's cradle cap had began to heal up and look better until he began scratching it. A few weeks ago, Aidyn began rubbing his head (and his eyes) whenever he was tired. He would do this during the day when he was tired and ready for a nap, as well as at night when he's ready for bed.
Unfortunately, he recently began scratching at his head as well. I believe as the cradle cap began to heal, it was drying up which caused the irritation. You can see in the pictures below how his scalp is red and inflammed. The yellow "scabs" are a part of cradle cap...but the red inflammation is what itches.
The doctor examined his cradle cap and said it actually looks worse than it really is. Regardless, he doesn't want Aidyn scratching it since that is what makes it worse and can lead to an infection. He agreed that keeping the newborn mittens on his hands or a cotton tabogan (sp?) on his head will help.
Aidyn was prescribed a steriod ointment that we'll put on his head once a day to help the itching and inflammation go down. Hopefully this will also help the cradle cap heal quicker and "easier" since he won't be scratching at it. We also got a medicated cream. This cream is to be used if he should scratch his head and cause it to bleed. The dr said this cream will just be helpful and handy to have for all situations. He recommended using it for bug bites, scratches, etc.
If Aidyn's head hasn't improved by Monday, we are to call back and schedule another appointment. The dr said he wants to check the progress and we may increase the steriod cream to twice a day. Regardless, he said not to wait 3 weeks until our 4 month check up.
I like your new format and Michael Jordan Jr. Make sure and get your camcorder out when Aidyn starts dribbling, (the basketball I mean). haha
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