Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Solids...Avocado!

Instead of starting Aidyn on rice cereal, our drs suggested started with Avocado. You peel only a portion of the skins off (because if you peel the whole thing it will go bad) and scoop out part of the fruit. Or is it a vegetable? Haha, I don't know. But anyways. You slowly mix it with water until it is the "right" consistency...not to watery, but not too thick.

I scooped out 1 tablespoon of avocado and mixed it with 1 tablespoon of water. Here is what it looked like. Mmmm....

I asked Ben to take Aidyn's picture as he ate and to video the "adventure", haha. We waited about 45 minutes after his lunch time bottle to do the avocado.

All done. Here are some "after" shots. I got about 2-3 spoons full into his precious tummy. In the end he seemed to kinda spit up some of his milk, so we stopped then.

I still haven't figured out how to load videos from our camcorder...but luckily my digital camera has a video setting. Here are our videos of Aidyn trying his first solids...Avocado. You will need to pause the background music at the bottom of the page for sound.

His facial expressions totally crack me up!